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Thinking on Building Safe Battery with Large Capacity

March 8, 2022

Latest company news about Thinking on Building Safe Battery with Large Capacity


Origin (before the 18th century)

The Ancient Greeks knew that rubbed amber could absorb light particles. Per the principle, human invents Leyden Jar storage energy. The greek language of lamber is ηλεκτρον (“elektron”). The only period of power supply device is (1780~1870). 


Volta, Danie and other persons developed Volta galvanic pile, Daniel battery, which was the only device that could provide constant current. It was mainly used into scientific research. Wireless power supply device(1870~)


In 1866, Siements invented engine, which rapidly become the source of power supply.Chemical power gradually become the commodity of offline power supply.


Power, energy storage applications.

Electrochemical energy storage technology has been widely applied to electric vehicles and power grids, and has become an important means of using energy to control energy.


Share of Chinese lithium industry

Since 2017, share of EV has been over 50%, and kept 30% increase.



A market-driven view

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