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How to understand the problem of lithium battery overcharge

April 23, 2022

Latest company news about How to understand the problem of lithium battery overcharge

There is usually a misconception when charging: it is better to stick to full charge. It might kill him to go from 100 percent to 99 percent, but keeping your phone plugged in is not what battery manufacturers recommend, especially if you keep charging it after it's fully charged.


Lithium-ion batteries are not all-powerful


Many older generations will tell you when you get a phone that the new phone needs to be fully discharged first, and then charged for 12 hours, and then completely discharged, so repeat 3 times. You may have followed the advice of the older generation, but smartphones that now use lithium-ion batteries no longer need such a cumbersome battery maintenance process.

The nickel metal hydride (NIMH) battery is needed for repeated discharge charging process. This battery has a strong memory. The process of repeated charging and discharging is also to make the nickel metal hydride battery achieve a larger charging ceiling. However, today's mobile phones use lithium ion batteries, there is no need to repeat such a messy battery memory process. So will lithium-ion batteries always stick to higher caps?

The answer is definitely no. Although lithium-ion battery is famous for being used, but in the process of charging and discharging through repeated battery cycle, the limit of its power can not be prevented by some loss, this loss is accumulated over a long period of time, and constitute the factor of loss in addition to the normal charge, overcharge is the prime criminal evil.


How to understand overcharge phenomenon


Overcharging is a well known condition in which a phone continues to charge its battery even though it appears to be full. Manufacturers of energy-storage batteries say the phone is suffering from overcharging. Under the condition that the battery is full, continuous charging will cause the structural change of positive materials, resulting in the loss of capacity, and the separation liberated oxygen and electrolyte will have

a violent chemical reaction, a bad result is the natural explosion.

Usually knowledge also tells us, the battery is better to keep at room temperature and boring place, whether the nickel metal hydride battery or lithium battery is the same. When overcharge occurs, there is no doubt that a lot of heat generated by the current will be emitted, and then the lithium battery will have a very electrolytic reaction, which will consume the lithium battery's large capacity. When the heat accumulates to a certain degree, such events as fire and explosion are likely to occur.

Manufacturers of natural mobile phones and chargers will not sit idly by in the face of such low security. After all, when users suffer from security problems, it is they who are out of luck, so there are a lot of fine things to charge mobile phones, especially the current mobile phones and chargers charged by USB port.


Overcharging is not a trivial matter


Energy storage battery manufacturers tell you about the ordinary mobile phone users overcharge is really not a small thing, the life of the mobile phone battery directly affected your use of this mobile phone moment, if let the phone arbitrary overcharge, I believe less than a year at the time of the battery will be dead.

If you can see that the back of the battery is now slightly arched, it's probably overcharged. On a larger scale, overcharging can have a direct impact on your safety, and the defective batteries of those piratical phones may not be able to set off fireworks. Want to prevent overcharge fundamentally, it still seems to be from time to control on the start.


To prevent overcharging, they're really hard


Most mobile phones today already have IC protection. The charger itself also monitors voltage and current. In order to maintain the safety of the battery and users' operation, energy storage battery manufacturers usually choose trickle-charge method in mobile devices.

If the loss on the wire is not calculated when using THE USB port for charging, the USB charging port will negotiate with the mobile phone for charging and match the appropriate current, so as to ensure that the mobile phone will not lose most of the current due to the high current input. At low battery power, such as 10 % at the mercy.

At the moment, the power to charge the battery is higher, and the current is also higher. As capacitance added, and the current mobile phone begged, will gradually decrease, behind the remaining 10 ~ 20 percentage reached full recharge percentage and even small hand time to beg for pulse current, and then to maintain the intention of the battery, the charging method, also known as trickle charging, is now main mobile phone recharge plan, in order to drop ceiling capacitance loss, extend battery life.

In addition to providing overcharge maintenance for cell phone batteries, energy storage battery manufacturers have another way to prevent overcharge by relying on charging outlets. The socket to supply overcharge has to supply a safe voltage, the greater the voltage shake will be affected by the current. Especially in China at night time voltage shake frequently to ensure that the USB port output voltage stable is very important. Generally, the voltage of the USB charging port is 5V. Some USB charging ports that can intelligently distribute current will slightly decrease the voltage of the charging port when the phone battery is close to full power, so as to reduce the input current and relieve the battery pressure.

These methods about the mobile phone overcharge has a good inhibitory effect, but the bottom is still because we did not unplug the power in the case of mobile phone charging, let the mobile phone repeated discharge and charging process, resulting in the reduction of the upper limit of the capacity.

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